Mogyi Mix

The Natural Resource

I look up to the man who fights, works and attains success, because I know what is behind it: a great deal of work.

Zoltán Kenyeres Founder and Owner of MOGYI Kft.
The Company

There's always a reason for joy

Be it any kind of happy moment, you can find the perfect snack with Mogyi.

The brand

There's Mogyi
for every
happy moments



A real delicacy for the enthusiasts of traditions!

– Corn to be popped in salted and butter flavours from Mogyi. It is a must in your kitchen.


In case of messages related to product orders, we would kindly ask you to send your company's name, address and telephone/mobile number as well.

If you wish to send a message to us regarding to quality of any our product, we kindly ask you to add a picture of it and its LOT number, please.The LOT number is printed on the back side of the packaging. (For example: 06.07.2018 L3114)